Oskar Stocker
Luis Rivera
From 26 January 2024
The Parliament of Austria
Dr.-Karl-Renner-Ring 3
1017 Vienna
Oskar Stocker and Luis Rivera will be showing the art installation KADDISCH in the Vienna Parliament from January 26, 2024.
How to react to anti-Semitic statements? How to deal with inhuman insults? They are everywhere in everyday life: anti-Semitic incidents and exclusion. Whether at school, at work, in politics or in public life and especially on social networks. Time and again, fellow citizens of the Jewish faith encounter hostility and attacks, either directly or indirectly. This also includes slurs against Israel. A classic prejudice for anti-Semitism is “All Jews are rich”. It persists to this day, even if it is not true. Anti-Semitism reaches deep into the center of society. Anyone who talks about international finance on the east coast of the USA is referring to the myth of Jewish power dominance on the New York Stock Exchange or in the banks. With the worldwide Zionist lobby and its machinations, the image of the Jewish world conspiracy is still being served. With the mobile prayer house, the artists Oskar Stocker and Luis Rivera confront the issue of anti-Semitism.